My Miracle Journey

by Carina
(Stamford, Connecticut)

My name is Carina Imbrogno. I’m a self-taught, disabled and inspirational artist who discovered my passion for art six years ago when I almost lost my life from Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.

I’m a walking miracle and I’m happy to be creating art through painting. Photography is another passion I discovered. I love realism and I use a lot of photography to create my art work, editing the pieces on Photoshop.

I love portraiture, nature, animals and wildlife. I can work in any medium but my medium of choice is pastels. I discovered pastels over two years ago and I’ve created over 50 pieces in this time frame. In six years I’ve created over 115 pieces.

I have severe learning disabilities and physical disabilities. My spine collapsed in 2006 due to a genetic type of illness that wasn’t discovered until 2015. It is Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, but I have it mild compared to some.

I live with daily pain. I’ve endured over 10 operations and I am a true walking miracle. I try to do my art every day as a form of therapy and because I have found my passion. I’ve been accepted in over 25 juried shows and am a four time award winner.

I feel I was born to do art and didn’t really know it. I have so much passion and inspiration for what I do and I’m currently writing my biography to inspire others.

You can read my full story on my bio on my website. This year I won an award with my pastel portrait of Noyan at the Bendheim Gallery in Greenwich. You can read my full inspirational story on my web site.

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Oct 06, 2021
My Miracle Journey
by: Carina Imbrogno

Hello Dr. William G. DeFoore,
Thank you so much for publishing my story and helping me pay it forward. It truly means the world to me. I would like to send you a copy of one of my artwork if you look at my Website you can pick which one you would like and I will send it to you. Email me your shipping info to me caimbrogno@yahoo.con. It a token of my appreciation. Thank you so much and God bless you always. Carina Imbrogno

Aug 06, 2021
An inspiring story of healing through creative expression
by: Dr. DeFoore

Hello Carina, and thank you so much for sharing your inspirational story here.

Only you can know the struggles you have been through, and it sounds like they have been substantial I read your entire bio on your web site, and looked at all of your art work displayed there.

Your art is just exquisite, Carina. I'm glad you are being recognized, and I expect it will continue.

You and your entire story demonstrate the healing power of creative expression. Hopefully as you continue to connect with more and more people, you will inspire them toward their own forms of creativity.

I will also provide a link to this article on my Goodfinding Facebook page. If for some reason you prefer that I not share in this way, just reply in comments below, and I will correct accordingly.

Wishing you all of the best of success and joy in your life!

Dr. DeFoore

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