These motivational inspirational quotes are designed to give you ideas and encouragement to rise to your highest and best, on an ongoing basis. Feel free to copy and use them however you like, just be sure and include the author when you do.
There is a comments area at the bottom of the page, if you would like to suggest additional quotes to be added, or comment on any you see here.
When someone does something good, applaud. You will make two people happy.
Samuel Goldwyn
Feel young at heart, and you'll enjoy a longer life.
Yagana Shah
How slight a nod it would take, how bare a smile, to give everyone you meet today a sense of worth.
Robert Brault
Push the envelope of your joy, nothing is too good to be true. Savor the goodness that is now, and watch it grow.
William DeFoore
Savor them! Dive deep into these ideas and perspectives and what mean to you, and then apply them to your life. There is tremendous value here for you, if you reach for it and wrap it around you.
Use these quotes as a type of daily meditation to keep you focused on the bright and beautiful in you and the world around you. And...if you want daily quotes coming to your inbox, sign up here.
Now, let's dive into some more...
Instruction does much, but encouragement does everything.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.
Oprah Winfrey
Encourage the people you believe in, and you become a champion to their great and noble cause.
William DeFoore
Man is most nearly himself when he achieves the seriousness of a child at play.
Think of these quotes as mental, emotional and spiritual fuel for your day. When you get inspired and motivated, that means you have the energy to get moving, and to stick with the challenging tasks until you reach your goals.
Here are some steps to follow, to get your day going your way:
It will also help you a lot to make up your own quotes. Just take any quote you like, and think of other ways of saying the same thing. Or, think of the quote and say to yourself, "If that's true, then..." and fill in the blank. There's your new self-generated motivational inspirational quote!
Your faith, hope and encouragement are gifts beyond measure. Offer them to yourself and to everyone you meet.
William DeFoore
Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.
Benjamin Spock
Now it's up to you. Take these quotes and run with them. The life you want is right there in front of you, and all you need is the motivation and inspiration to make it happen!
Get some motivation and inspiration now, by watching this video showing how you can change your life by changing the story you're telling.
Get even more great quotes to uplift and inspire you.
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