You Are Courageous People
Because You Made It To This Point

Authored by William G. DeFoore, Ph.D.

When you think of courageous people, you probably think of some kind of hero risking his/her life for some noble cause. While that is certainly  courage in action, I want you to think about this a little differently for a moment.

As you will see in this article, it actually takes courage just to be you in this world. From the moment you were born, you have been challenged to face the's called life on planet Earth.  Tell your story of courage (yours or others') here.

Nobody knows what the future holds, and yet you have been stepping courageously into your future every moment of your life. Take a look at this chart giving you an overview of how you have been courageous.

courageous people

The Courage Of A Child

I don't have to tell you about the vulnerability you experienced as a child. We all went through that. We didn't know anything, and we had to figure it out.

Your parents, teachers and guides, no matter how well meaning, were not always kind and helpful, and sometimes you were left on your own to face things like...that first day at school, competition with other kids, and sexual experiences. This is actually quite normal, but it was tough.

Think of this...

  • When you arrived, you couldn't talk or understand anything that was being said. You didn't know how to walk or feed yourself and you had no control over how all that was handled.
  • Your parents had little or no training about how to meet your basic emotional needs, because most people don't even know what they are. The focus was on physical needs and mental development, but your emotional needs for acknowledgement, support and encouragement were most likely overlooked. 
  • In some cases your caregivers may have actually been abusive to you. 
  • You faced academic challenges, tried out for sports and other activities, and faced rejection every time. You did it anyway.
  • You kept going. You faced the new day, went back to school, returned filled with hope to that parent, teacher, coach or caregiver for approval and love. 
  • You were courageous. 

Don't take that courage for granted. You were tough, even when you didn't feel tough.  Nurture your inner child with love, encouragement and support's never too late.

Courageous people are people who made it through their childhood and adolescence, and you are one of them.

Belonging And Fitting In

Everyone wants to belong. Nobody wants to be an outcast or a misfit. I'm sure you remember some of your efforts to fit in, which sometimes led to inclusion and belonging, and other times led to rejection.

Here's the deal about belonging and fitting're a unique individual, one of a kind. So, regardless of how successfully or unsuccessfully you were able to fit in, you always felt different from the others, because you were. This is healthy and normal, but when it was happening, you probably thought there was something wrong with you.

  • Revisit some of those memories of trying to fit in and belong.
  • Look at how courageous you were, putting yourself out there, not knowing if you would be accepted or not.
  • Picture that kid you were, walking into the school cafeteria alone, looking around to see if there was anyone to sit with. Admire the courage of that child, and tell her/him how proud you are.
  • You were actually in the process of forming your identity during these times of your life, and often we establish a lot of our identity by which groups we belong to. 
  • Forming an identity is a big deal...that's why that kid you were had to be so courageous. You were actually trying to figure out who you were.

You are one of the courageous people, because you made it to where you are today. You survived, and I'm sure in many ways you have thrived.

Courageous People Are Creative

It is just so much easier to "stick with what you know" and only do what you're good at and comfortable with. sure you get this...your brain and body will decline if you just keep doing what you're good at and never try anything new. 

Your creativity is a powerful force sitting there inside you, and if you suppress it, you may feel more anxious, depressed or just generally disappointed in yourself. 

Protect Your Creative Efforts!

Creativity has nothing to do with what anybody else thinks. When you start any new project, where you're experimenting with something new that you have not mastered yet, don't be too quick to share it with others. You don't need anybody's criticism! Just keep going...that's all it takes to get better at something new.

Find something you're curious about and start experimenting today. It will give you a whole new lease on life!

Here are some things to expect along the way, as you join the courageous people involved in creative expression: You will be a beginner.

  • You will feel awkward, nervous and silly. 
  • You'll be tempted to quit. It takes courage to get past this point.
  • If you don't quit, you'll start to see some success, and you'll feel more and more confident as you progress.
  • You will start to really enjoy your creative expression, and you will notice benefits at many different levels in the health of your mind, your body and even your relationships.
  • You will have a fulfilling activity that you can continue to expand for the rest of your life, and you'll be accessing and expressing some of the best of who you are in your creative efforts.

Don't miss out on this. It's too important to push aside or neglect. It is literally part of the art of happiness

Be one of the courageous people willing to explore the uncharted realms of creativity! 

Courageous People Know Their Inner Selves

Inner Child

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One of the greatest tools for your inner journey of self exploration and creativity is imagery. The Nurturing Your Inner Child audio program guides you on this journey, using imagery and positive self talk to give you the positive relationship with yourself you have always wanted.

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